Youth Fishing Trip
Shining Light Children's Home sits in the mountains surrounded by a semi-desert landscape. It is dusty and dry most of the year making us grateful that we live only 1 1/2 hours from the beach! We are also only 2 hours from Ensenada which is the port that receives all the shipping containers for this area of Mexico. At the bay, many fishing boats wait ready to take adventurers out onto the ocean to go fishing, whale watching, or just ride the waves.
Last fall, Alfredo and Deivin organized a trip inviting the youth, staff, and some of the local church members to go on a fishing excursion. Sleepy teenagers and parents dragged themselves out of bed as early as 3 a.m. to load up to get ready to head to the harbor.
The boat, equipped with 20 beds, lots of space outside, and a small kitchen, proved to be a blessing. As the glow of the sun rose behind the horizon, the boat slowly pulled out of the bay. Huddled with blankets and jackets, they all watched the sunrise from the water on a chilly morning.
Everyone enjoyed the fishing, the fellowship, and the naps. After fishing, they brought the fish home and shared them with the children's home and the rest of the community. The beauty of God's creation inspires and rejuvenates all of us.
If you would ever like to go on a fishing trip while visiting Shining Light, the young boys or director would be happy to provide the information you need to get a trip scheduled!