Somebody’s Child
By Herbert Miller, Public Relations Coordinator
Dear Friends & Supporters of Shining Light,
I would like for you to pause for a moment and listen to the cry of the many children in this world that have no loving Daddy and Mama to care for them, no loving arms to hold them tight when they are in need and hurting. The words of the song “Nobody's Child” have deeply touched my heart as it so well describes the plight of so many children in this world even though they may not be as physically blind as this child was. God’s design from the beginning was that children born into this world be nurtured by loving parents in a godly home environment.
Nobody’s Child
“I was slowly passing an orphan's home one day
And stopped there for a moment just to watch the children play
Alone a boy was standing and when I asked him why
He turned with eyes that couldn't see and he began to cry.”
“I'm nobody's child, I'm nobody's child
I'm like a flower just growing wild
No mommy's kisses and no daddy's smiles
Nobody wants me. I'm nobody's child.”
(Composer Hank Snow)
It seems as though children are often the ones that most severely suffer the consequences of a sinful broken world. The following quote helps bring some biblical perspective to the responsibility of God’s children in reaching out to needy children.
“At the same time, we should understand that the biblical concept of the “orphan” and “fatherless” includes more than just the boy or girl who has lost one or both parents. Rather, it describes the child who faces the world without the provision, protection, and nurture that parents uniquely provide. No statistical analysis will ever perfectly capture the global number of children fitting this description. Regardless, God calls His people to reflect His heart and character in choosing to “defend the cause of the fatherless," to “visit the orphan and widow in their distress, and to “set the lonely in families” —whatever the details of his or her situation may be.” (christianalliancefororphans-Orphan Statistics P..7)
In view of the hundreds and thousands and millions of needy children, we might be at times be tempted to question whether we can even make a difference at Shining Light Children’s Home. Yes, we believe with God’s help we can make a difference in the lives of the children that come into our care at Shining Light. While there is no substitute for faithful fathers and mothers in the lives of children, in the absence of that, we can be the loving arms that hold them close, and comfort, feed, nurture and shelter them from the stormy blasts of the world around them. Ultimately, we can teach them about Jesus so they can experience being a part of the family of God, where they can belong and no longer will have to cry “ I’m nobody’s child.”
We invite you our readers to participate in this great work that God is doing through Shining Light Children’s Home in Tecate, Mexico to change the children’s song from “Nobody's Child” to “Praise God I am Somebody’s Child”.