Liam’s Adoption Story

Psalm 118:23-24 KJV
This is the LORD's doing; It is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day which the LORD hath made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Monday, June 29, 2020, was the day that forever changed my life, although I didn't know it at the time.  DIF brought 2 infant boys to the children's home. Every time this happens, we experience a mixture of emotions from the joy and excitement of seeing tiny faces and little hands for the first time, to an overwhelming sense of sadness. Knowing these precious, innocent children are not with their mothers and families, as the Lord intended, at no fault of their own, leaves a deep wound and great loss in their fragile hearts. This was the day I met Liam, a one-month-old who had been hospitalized since birth. He was being treated for an immunodeficiency virus along with other health related issues as a result of him being a drug baby.

After several weeks of being with another caretaker, whose term was ending and was to be married, Liam came to me. I became his primary caretaker. After caring for him for a while, I noticed that his family never came to visit. I knew this would lead to him being adopted since this was the next step in the process; however, with Liam’s existing health issues, his chances of being adopted at such a young age were very slim. Feeling the call to adopt, along with the support of my family and friends, I pursued this calling to see if I could adopt Liam. In Mexico, the policy requires you to be matched with a child, rather than requesting a specific child. Since our situation was unique, I requested a special petition due to his health conditions.

In the Fall of 2020, I started the adoption process which included gathering, completing and translating paperwork. Next came the home studies along with additional administrative work. A year later, in the Fall of 2021, I was given adoption custody of Liam. This was such a special day for us. Not only was I granted custody of Liam, but this also meant we could begin the process of terminating parental rights. This was and still is a lengthy process in Mexico due to the government losing paperwork and legal documents. Finally, after 2 years of waiting, this step was completed in 2023.

The final step in the adoption process began in January 2024 and was finalized on September 6, 2024; four years after our journey began. Liam is now an active little boy who is completely healthy. We give thanks to our Lord for His healing hand on Liam’s life and to the doctors and medicines that contributed to his wellness.

Liam’s adoption was nothing short of a miracle and was only made possible because of the Lord’s mighty works and the prayers and support from our family and friends. We have encountered many challenges along the way, but each time God showed Himself faithful by working out the details on our behalf. Each day we are reminded of the Lord’s goodness and are forever grateful to Him for bringing Liam and I together. If you feel the call to adopt, I urge you to do so and trust the Lord, for He is faithful. In closing, I want you to remember that we cannot save the world, but we can make a difference one child at a time.

Rachel and Liam Andrés Hostetler