Beauty in the Midst of the Ordinary
By Ruth Domenica Smith
My service at Shining Light Children’s Home began in the fall of 2019 when I served as a caregiver for four girls. I quickly fell in love with the children, Spanish language, and Mexican culture.
After several months, I transitioned to work as a kitchen manager due to some changing circumstances. During this time, I still cared for one 11-year-old girl. Juggling my responsibilities in the kitchen and attending to her needs was quite a challenge!
In the winter of 2020, she went to live with her new family. Although this was a significant change for me, I was free to put more effort into my work in the kitchen where I still work today.
It is such a privilege to be a part of the children’s lives and keep learning and growing here, despite the trials and challenges of daily life. I am blessed and thankful for all the little moments with children and friends as we learn to build relationships with each other and, ultimately Jesus Christ.

Many ordinary things make up our life here. It is easy for me to get tired of helping cook three meals a day, double-checking that the floor gets mopped, and helping little girls resolve their arguments! But I am reminded that “Inasmuch as ye did it unto one of these my brethren, even the least, ye did it unto me.” My prayer is that I may only be a vessel, serving in whatever way the Master calls.